I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my book
***** UPDATE: A second edition of my book was published 1 July 2020 where the title changed to How To Treat Palmoplantar Pustulosis Natrually. First Edition released November 2015 was named How To Treat PPP Naturally*****
How To Treat Palmoplantar Pustulosis Naturally: Put Your PPP In Remission And Get Your Life Back In 90 days I wrote this book because I used to be struggling with PPP but thankfully been cleared from this disease for the last three years without a single outbreak, My book is the result of me spending hours of studying health and nutrition to find a way to restore my non functional immune system and to found a solution to heal myself from this painful and life destroying disease naturally. After implementing everything I learned along my journey, I successfully manage to heal from PPP.
I now want to share my experience and help you to clear your PPP as well. I want to give you the tools and the steps what to do to remove this disease once and for all, I also want to give you the understanding what triggers the onset of PPP in the first place.
In my book I'll teach you how the immune system works and what you need to do to boost it to regain your health. I believe by knowing what makes you sick in the first place, it’s much easier to understand what you need to do become well again. I also cover my own PPP journey what caused it and what I did heal naturally by just a few lifestyle changes. Here’s what you going to learn inside the book
I will give you a complete healing system, instead of various tactics one might come across that are meant to cure any disease.If you want to stop the Palmoplantar Pustulosis (PPP) outbreaks and end up in remission within a recovery period of three months, this is the book for you. My book is available in all the major online book shops around the world. Remember, you don’t need to own a Kindle to read Kindle books you can use apps on your phone or device by downloading the kindle app. If you want to learn more about PPP check out my other blogpost. All the best and thank you for your time, – Åsa Kärrman
Palmoplantar Pustulosis book stores by Åsa Kärrman
1/25/2016 01:13:21 am
Hi Asa,
Hi Jane,
Ann Boyette
8/14/2018 04:29:22 pm
Asa i just bought two of yours books, i have palmoplantar psorisis,i have just started the diet and supplements you recommended . I would like to share my story on your site,because its crazy trying to figure out what it was, but i couldnt figure out how to share it if you could help me with that. im not very tech savvy. Thanks
Åsa well-heeled
8/14/2018 06:12:27 pm
Hi Ann,
Teresa Dalton
3/1/2019 10:00:24 pm
I live in england and would love to put money out in good use can u help me
3/3/2019 05:18:16 pm
Hi Teresa,
9/3/2020 11:29:01 am
Hi there, I just wanted to share my story with what I believe is ppp. 7 years ago I broke my leg and required surgery to secure my bone with a metal rod and three screws. A few days after getting back from hospital I noticed a small scaly and itchy rash on the bottom of my right foot. It has been there since, sometimes spreading all over my foot and at one point my hands. The only time it has gone into full remission was when I moved to a cooler climate. 4 years of rash free bliss. Now we are back in a warmer sub tropical climate and the rash is back with a vengeance. I will admit, the stress of the move had me smoking again, been 4 days since my last smoke and keen to not take it up again. I’m also not the healthiest eater currently.
Hi Melissa,
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1. Why is it so difficult to diagnose Palmoplantar Pustulosis? |
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